Monday, May 7, 2012

Italian Poetry

Paola, the manager of our school, had her birthday recently and we wanted to do something special for her, so we planned a surprise party.

Often to celebrate a special event we compose a series of limericks.  For Paola we decided to challenge ourselves by writing one in Italian – a feat we never imagined we would be able to accomplish! 

There were some aspects that made it easier:  most Italian words end in vowels that are relatively easily rhymed.  And there were some aspects that made it harder: most Italian words have many syllables – so many that one word alone can take up a whole line!  We can’t say the process was easy, but it’s not easy in English either.  Here’s what we came up with.  Suffice it to say we’re quite pleased with ourselves.

Ad Arezzo c’è una scuola
Il capo si chiama Paola
La gente che viene
Si troverà bene
Grazie a tutto quello che fa.

C’è tanto da organizzare
Ma Paola lo sa come fare
Il telefono squilla
Lei è sempre tranquilla
Un sorriso a tutti da dare.

Nuovi studenti sempre arrivano
Paola li mette a loro agio
Le lezione ed i libri
Anche gli appartamenti
Un buon benvenuto qui si troveranno.

Proprio oggi festeggiamo
Belle cose le auguriamo
Con i dolci e vini
Ed i grandi sorrisi
Le diciamo “Buon Compleanno!”

Here’s the translation in English – without the rhyme and the meter.

In Arezzo there is a school
The "boss" is called Paola
The people who come
Find themselves well situated
Thanks to everything she does.

There's a lot to organize
But Paola knows how to do it -
The telephone rings -
She is always calm
With a smile to give everyone.

New students are always arriving
Paola puts them at ease:
The lessons and books
And even the apartments -
They find a good welcome here.

Precisely today we celebrate.
We wish her good things.
With sweets and wine
And big smiles
We say "Happy Birthday!"

1 comment:

  1. Our friends Henry and Gabriella
    write great birthday limericks, quite bella
    They're heartfelt and sweet
    And they land on the beat
    And they're always as funny as hella

    If you've got a birthday a'comin'
    Get H&G's lim'rick machine hummin'
    The poetry's fine
    Quick, go buy them some wine!
    If you miss out on this you'll be bummin'
