Sunday, November 6, 2011

La Striscia – vineyard tour and wine tasting

While Gabriella’s family was staying with us our school had planned a field trip to a local vineyard and winery called La Striscia.  All five of us were eager to take part.  The vineyard is located just outside the city center, about 20 minutes away by foot. We had a brief tour of the estate (which has been in the same family for over 500 years!!) and the wine making operation.  We then moved to the reception area for the most important part of the event which was the food and wine tasting.  Marco, the general manager, had prepared an inviting and generous spread of salami, cheese and bread for us.  The vineyard produces three organic wines, a chianti, sangiovese and a merlot, and we received very generous samples of each.  

Part of the vineyard

The road leading up to La Striscia

Notice the bed at the end of the pool.  There are several on the grounds for guests to use.  It's nap time!
During the tasting Marco talked about the wines and the estate.  As always, in such a relaxed and luxurious atmosphere and with the stories Marco was telling us (all in Italian of course) the wines were amazing.  Needless to say we bought some.  We would have bought more but we were on foot. Being eager to enjoy the wine at home, Henry had no complaints about carrying the bottles all the way back to our apartment.  Fortunately the winery is close by and we can easily return for more.

One other highlight of this visit was that we witnessed their bottling operation.  It took place in a truck, the size of a large delivery van, which was set up in their parking lot.  When the sides are raised, you can see the complete bottling operation inside. Once the truck is closed up it looks like any ordinary delivery truck - you’d never know what was in it. The bottles are fed in one end and about 3-4 minutes later they come out filled, corked and labeled and are packed into boxes ready for shipping.  Henry found this fascinating, so much so that he didn’t think to take a picture.   

Besides wine, La Striscia also produces olive oil.  Eager for an opportunity to participate in the olive harvest, which begins in November, Gabriella offered to help.  Her willingness to volunteer was met with a lukewarm response.  She realizes now she should have explained that beneath her demure, delicate appearance there is a fully fortified gardener clamoring to get out!

If you have some extra cash you can pamper yourself by staying in the lavish setting of La Striscia as a guest.

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